Specialty Services
Air-Spade Services
Vertical Mulching, aeration, radial trenching, root pruning. 80% of tree health issues start in the soil. Any tree appreciates having the root zone Air-Spaded for remediation with high quality nutrients and/or aeration.
Wildfire Mitigation
Establish a defendable space for wildfires, encourage forest health with management and maintenance of fire mitigation zones. Do not wait until it is too late and mitigate!
Create value with mitigation of hazards to your property. Wildfire mitigation tax write off is an offered %50 tax write off (up to $2500) for residents of Colorado of a defined wildland-urban interface area for mitigation costs.
Dynamic Tree Cabling and bracing
Tree structure can require failure mitigation through supporting the tree in several ways, situationally dependent.
Cobra Cable Dynamic cabeling system: Utilizes dynamic materials and shock absorber to mitigate loading on individual weak structure of some trees.
Tree Lightning Protection system
Mature and highly valuable trees can be protected with lightning protection systems, mitigating strike damage out of and away from trees. Just like structural lightning protection systems, current is drawn to more conductive and easier to travel discharge route.
Climbing Arborist Aerial Tree Inspection
Given specific situations a climbing arborist is needed to be aerial to do a complete and accurate inspection of a tree canopy. Utilizing ‘tree friendly’ climbing practices, experience and education, climbing arborists aloft are able to asses the health of a tree and potential hazards or failure points accurately being up in the canopy.