
Trunk Injections

Trunk Injections utilize Arbor Jet Tree age R-10 for pest mitigation and damage prevention (ex: Emerald Ash and Lilac Ash borers/Spruce Ips beetle treatments). Arbor Jet Mn-jet Fe product is injected for rapid micronutrient deficiency correction primarily in Silver Maple and Red Oak trees in the Northern Colorado region.


Deep Root Fertizilation

Deep Root Fertilization of acute/Micro and Macro nutrient fertilization needs. A specific prescription to each tree or shrub type need will dictate what products are used in the solution injected into the soil. ie. Soil amendments, organic matter, humic/fulvic acids, Micro/Macro nutrients. Specific products prescribed are Arbor Jet Nutriroot and LESCO Mico FE Plus, other products are utilized as prescribed.

*Situations arise such as extreme conditions of tree health/safety, product procurement cost and locational factors that can affect the price of applications.

Tree Care Consultation

Tree Care Consultation by ISA Certified Arborist an onsite visit assessing tree/landscaping health, goals, management, maintenance, and specific concerns. Focusing on soil moisture management, goals of the tree/s, pests/health, safety, and best management practices.

Contractor Climber

Contract ISA Certified Climbing Arborist– Day rated, 8HR service of climbing arborist. Arboricultural industry specific focus offered services are ground crew/job site management, tree removals/pruning, technical rigging, and crane work. Compliant with ISA tree care standards, OSHA and ANSI work standards for production and safety.

$400/8HR day ($75/HR over 8 HR day)

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